Full Stack Python Training Course in Solapur
Best Python Full Stack Training Institute in Solapur
Shreevidya Infotechnologies Python Full Stack training helps individuals to empower by providing course based on practical knowledge and theoretical concepts, by helping them advance their careers and create sustainable growth in their companies.
Anything is possible when learning is easy. That’s why Shreevidya Infotechnologies makes training simple and straightforward.
Python trainers carry extensive experience, has passion for training and considered to be the best in the industry. We are providing most demanded technical training since 2007.
Python Full Stack Course Syllabus
Best-in-industry, strategically designed Course Content, Projects, Class Sessions to accomplish the changing requirement of market
- What is Python
- Why Python
- Who Uses Python & Where we can use Python
- Characteristics of Python
- Unique features of Python
- Limitations of Python
- Python Applications
- Different versions of Python
- Python Installation
- PyCharm IDE
- How to Work on PyCharm
- PyCharm Components
- Write and Run python code on PyCharm
- Python Variable/Identifiers
- Variable, Variable names and Value
- What is Indentation
- Python Reserved Words
- Introduction to Python Data Types
- Data Types – int
- Data Types – float
- Data Types – complex
- Data Types – bool
- Data Types – str
- Type Casting – int(), float(), bool(), complex(), str() functions
- Introduction to Python Operators
- Python Arithmetic Operators
- Python Relational Operators
- Python Equality Operators
- Python Logical Operators
- Python Assignment Operator
- Python Ternary Operator
- Operator Precedence
- Read input data from keyboard
- How to Read Multiple Values from the keyboard
- What is eval() function
- Command Line Arguments
- Printing to the Screen
- Format printing text
- Introduction and Indentation
- “if condition” in conditional structures
- if statement (One-Way Decisions)
- if .. else statement (Two-way Decisions)
- if .. elif .. else statement (Multi-way)
- How to use “for loop”
- How to use “While Loop”
- Transfer Statements – break statement
- Transfer Statements – continue statement
- pass statement
- del statement
- Defining a string
- Accessing Values in Strings
- Various String Operators
- Indexing and Slicing with Strings
- Comparison & Mathematical Operators
- String methods
- Introduction to List data structure
- Lists are mutable
- List Properties
- Creation a List Object
- Accessing Elements of List By using index and Slice operator
- Traversing Elements of the List
- Important Methods and Functions of List
- Ordering Elements of List
- Nested Lists
- List Comprehension
- Introduction to Tuple data structure
- Advantages of Tuple over List
- Tuple Properties
- Single Valued Tuple
- Creation of Tuple Object
- Accessing Elements of Tuple By using index and Slice operator
- Packing and Unpacking
- Important Methods and Functions for Tuple
- Reversing and Sorting Elements of Tuple
- Differences between List and Tuple
- Introduction to Set data structure
- Set Properties
- Creation of Set Object
- Important Methods and Functions for Set
- Introduction to Dictionary data structure
- Dictionary Properties
- Creation of Dictionary Object
- How to access, add, update and delete data from dictionary
- Important Methods and Functions for dictionary
- What is a function?
- What is the need of Functions and its advantages?
- Types of Functions
- How to define and call a function in Python
- Return Statement
- How to return multiple values from a function
- Types of Arguments: Positional Arguments
- Types of Arguments: Keyword Arguments
- Types of Arguments: Default Arguments
- Types of Arguments: Variable Length Arguments
- Types of Variables: Global and Local
- Anonymous Functions/Lambda Functions
- filter() function , map() Function , reduce() Function
Advance Python Programming
- What is a Module?
- Types of Modules
- How to write and use Module and Its Advantages
- The import Statement
- The from…import Statement
- ..import * Statement
- Underscores in Python
- The dir( ) Function
- Creating User defined Modules
- Command line Arguments
- Python Module Search Path
- What is a Package?
- Introduction to Packages?
- py file
- Importing module from a package
- Creating a Package
- Creating Sub Package
- Importing from Sub-Packages
- Popular Python Package
- Introduction to OOPs Programming
- How to define a class?
- self-variable
- Python Constructors
- Method vs Constructor
- Types of Variables – Instance, Static and Local
- Types of Methods – Instance, Class and Static
- Instance Methods Introduction
- Setter and Getter Methods
- Class Methods Introduction
- Static Methods Introduction
- Instance Method vs Class Method vs Static Method
- Accessing Members of one class inside another class
- Inner classes Introduction
- Nesting of Inner Classes
- Nested Methods
- Garbage Collection Introduction
- How to enable and disable Garbage Collector
- Destructor Introduction
- Inheritance Introduction
- Polymorphism Introduction
- Abstract Method and Abstract Class
- Interfaces In Python
- Interface vs Abstract Class vs Concrete Class
- Public Members
- Private Members
- Protected Members
- Data Hiding
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Python Errors (Syntax Error vs Runtime Error)
- Common RunTime Errors in PYTHON
- Abnormal termination
- Try … Except
- Try .. Except .. else
- Chain of importance Of Exception
- Exception Handling
- Try … finally
- Argument of an Exception
- Python Custom Exceptions
- Ignore Errors
- Assertions
- Using Assertions Effectively
Web Development with Django Framework
- What Is a Web Framework?
- The MVC & MVT Design Pattern
- Django’s History
- Installing Django
- Setting Up a Database
- Starting a Project.
- The Development Server
- Django Commands Overview
- Your First View: Dynamic Content
- Mapping URLs to Views
- How Django Processes a Request
- URL configurations and Loose Coupling
- 404 Errors
- Your Second View: Dynamic URLs
- A Word About Pretty URLs
- Wildcard URL patterns
- Django’s Pretty Error Pages
- Template System Basics
- Using the Template System
- Creating Template Objects
- Rendering a Template
- Multiple Contexts, Same Template
- Context Variable Lookup
- Playing with Context Objects
- Basic Template Tags and Filters Tags
- Using Templates in Views
- Template Loading
- Render to response ()
- The locals () Trick
- Subdirectories in get template ()
- They include Template Tag.
- Template Inheritance
- The MTV Development Pattern
- Configuring the Database
- Your First App
- Defining Models in Python
- Your First Model
- Installing the Model
- Basic Data Access
- Adding Model String Representations
- Inserting and Updating Data
- Selecting Objects
- Filtering Data
- Retrieving Single Objects
- Ordering Data
- Chaining Lookups
- Slicing Data
- Deleting Objects
- Making Changes to a Database Schema
- Adding Fields
- Removing Fields
- Removing Models
- Activating the Admin Interface
- Using the Admin Interface
- Users, Groups and Permissions
- Customizing the Admin Interface
- Customizing the Admin Interface’s Look and Feel
- Customizing the Admin Index Page
- When and Why to Use the Admin Interface
- Adding Form
- Adding Base Template To Form
- Implementing The Edit Functionality
- Implementing Delete Functionality
- What is REST API
- Why Django REST Framework?
- Set up Django REST Framework
- Creating REST API in Django